Sunday, September 23, 2012

Strong Friendships

As I was growing up, I was blessed with a great group of friends. My friend Megan called the guys in the group the Clan and so us girls were then known as the Clan Chicks. Ha Ha. You would see us all on the weekends hanging out at each others houses. We would eat, play games, watch movies, or just sit around a talk. We always had the best time. We all graduated in 2004 from AHS, so we knew a change would be coming with all of us going to different colleges. I think we all knew down deep inside we had such strong friendships that going to a different college would not change anything. We always made efforts to see each other on the weekends and on holidays. 

The next chapter would be when all of us would meet the love of our lives and get married. I know a question on all of our minds were, would we get along with that person and could they be a part of this special group. The answer would be YES!!!! Many of us have gotten married and some are now engaged. We all get a long so well. We may not see each other all the time, but we pick back up where we left off last. 

Thursday night I was able to have dinner with a special group of girls. Three of the girls were a part of my group from high school (Stephanie, Megan, and Catie O) and one is now married to our friend Bradley (Brittany) and the other is engaged to our friend Jacob (Anna). The girls in our group have wanted nothing more than for our boys to have that special girl in their life and each one of them have found that person. 

It was great seeing all the girls and catching up on the latest things happening in our lives. I am looking forward to the next time we get together. I hope the girls that weren't able to make it this time will be able to the next. :) So thankful for our friendships!!!!

Megan, Stephanie, Me, Catie O, Anna, and Brittany

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